Legal information is a web service provided by mcPaLo SàRL.

mcPaLo is a company specialized in the research and development of applications and services for the web. is developed and maintained by mcPaLo with iZend and hosted by Ovh.

Please contact the webmaster for any question about the management of the website.


mcPaLo SàRL
9, Groussgaass
L-9140 Bourscheid

+352 621 761 508

RC Luxembourg B 144629
TVA LU23310211
Capital 12,500 €


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mcPaLo is a trademark of Eric Companie. All rights reserved.

The Logo is an original creation imagined by Eric Companie . All rights reserved.

You wish to integrate techniques implemented by one of our developments in one of your own projects? mcPaLo is a software publisher open to sharing knowledge and code. To contact us, click here.

April 24, 2024